Heavy Rain Speedrun
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Heavy Rain Speedrun
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Speedrun of Heavy Rain in 3:50:04 discounting load times. The total run time including load time from beginning to the end of the credits is 4:18:xx
In addition to managing choices, all the non essential dialogue was aggressively optimized to go by as quickly as possible. When presented with a choice on what to say, you can bet I picked the choice that takes the least time for the character to speak.
Showering and getting dressed is required before going downstairs. The game also makes you listen to Ethan's thoughts as you exit the bedroom. Once you are downstairs, Ethan's wife will arrive home with the kids after a set amount of time. Doing any sort of action can pause or delay the timer, so that's why I just stand around.
The animation for dropping the grocery bags takes longer than simply putting them on the table, so I succeed at the button presses. When asked about your day, responding is several seconds faster than saying nothing.
Gently putting down the plates saves time, since the scolding from his wife takes a while.
When playing with the kids, I play for as little time as possible. It is faster to win the sword fight, since losing requires you to slowly get up from the ground.
The Mall:
When buying a balloon from the clown, normally the action for taking the money out of the correct pocket only appears after you have tried all your pockets, but you can choose it right away, even though the indicator is not visible.
Father and Son:
Once home, the goal is to send Shawn to bed as soon as possible. You normally cannot send him to bed without giving him dinner unless it gets really late. If you do give him dinner, any time after he finishes you can send him to bed. Feeding him dinner as soon as possible is the key.
Shawn won't eat if he isn't hungry, and if left to his own devices will grab a snack, delaying the time when he is hungry enough for dinner. Thus, it is most beneficial to give him a snack as soon as possible, so he is ready to eat the most quickly.
Having him do homework is optional, it neither speeds anything up nor slows it down.
Sleazy Place:
There is no need to talk to the motel owner, you can just head right up to Lauren's room. The fastest way out is to fail to convince her to talk to you, otherwise you have to ask her questions. Likewise there is no need to put money on the table, as this just slows things down. It's obviously fastest to leave right after Troy arrives.
Crime Scene:
The only required actions are opening the tent, scanning near the body, and talking to Blake. You only need to meet him; you're not required to walk and talk with him.
The Shrink:
Each dialogue choice is the absolute shortest.
The Park:
The park has a timer which prompts you to leave, but you can leave earlier if you play on the equipment with Shawn.
Where's Shawn?:
The difference between failing to dodge the truck and succeeding is negligible, and was within the margin of error for my stopwatch.
Welcome Norman:
The Chief comes out after a certain amount of time after you ask the receptionist about him. Playing with Ari seems to make the timer go by faster. You do not need to walk and talk with the Chief either, it's fastest just to skip that and get right to your office.
In analyzing the evidence, I pick the bare minimum of required actions before you can close Ari.
It is ever so slightly faster to take the drugs as soon as you can. Taking them will lead to a scene later on where Jayden is having withdrawal, but this scene is quicker than making your way down to the bathroom.
Hassan's Shop:
The fastest thing to do is to knock out the robber, and the dialogue chosen was the shortest.
Sleepless Night:
Like the Prologue, this section is based on a timer. Having Madison do things can pause the timer briefly, which is why I just stand there. The fight is lost as soon as possible.
It's faster to go out back and evade the paparazzi than it is to push through them out front.
Lexington Station:
The dreamlike segment is based on a timer, but you will not snap back to the real world until the timer runs out, AND you knock someone over. The optimal thing to do would be to knock someone ever right after the timer expires. I am uncertain on how long it is exactly, so this has potential for a few seconds of optimization.
The correct locker was chosen on the first try.
The Motel:
You're not required to look at anything in the box other than the computer chip, and the origami figure. Looking at the gun just wastes time.
Kick off Meeting:
The dialogue was optimized with the shortest responses.
Nathaniel comes in after a timer and when you're in the living room. Blake will interrogate him after you ask 2 questions, so I picked the shortest ones. Once Nathaniel pulls a gun, I shoot him at the soonest possible moment. This is faster than letting him live.
Suicide Baby:
Basically, none of the actions here are optional, and it is slower to fail with the bandages on Mrs. Bowles. Each action is completed successfully.
The Bear:
Everything in the parking garage is pretty straightforward. Once presented with the challenge, Ethan will step up after you think about Shawn and what you have to do. The two choices are the fastest was to get him to drive. Once on the road, the challenge is failed as soon as possible.
First Encounter:
Straightforward until Madison must bandage Ethan up. The disinfectant is mandatory, the painkillers are not. The fastest way to get Madison to leave is to fail to apply the disinfectant. Ethan will walk more sluggishly for the rest of the game, but it does not negate the benefit of getting Madison to leave so soon.
Covered Market:
Dialogue in the car is the shortest response. Challenge is failed at the soonest possible moment.
A visitor:
Lauren comes in on a timer, and again doing actions can pause it. Once you get the letter, the only thing you need to look at is the address.
Kramer's Party:
Having Lauren distract the guards is the fastest way past. You cannot distract them until you try to pass unsuccessfully. The dialogue with both the guards and with Gordi is optimized for shortest response time. It's obviously fastest to let the thugs beat you up.
The Butterfly:
Ethan has to make it in the factory, but once inside can fail the trial. The fastest way is to simply crawl at full speed over the glass, until Ethan is in too much pain and gives up.
The Nurse:
It's once again fastest to fail at applying the disinfectant and letting Ethan suffer. After waking up the dialogue is optimized for speed. When I choose not to speak, it is because not speaking is faster.
Police News:
Non interactive.
Shrink and Punches:
When Blake finished his dialogue, it is slightly faster to speak to the therapist yourself. He will continue on if you say nothing after a set amount of time, but he will respond immediately after you prompt him. If your dialogue is shorter than the waiting period, then it is faster.
Intervening right away is the fastest end to this chapter.
The Golf Club:
There is nothing here to optimize; all the actions you must attempt and succeeding at them is fastest.
The Lizard:
Failing this trial requires waiting it out, so Ethan will have to pass this. The shears are the fastest way; they are close to the desk, and Ethan is incapacitated by pain for a shorter time than with something like the saw. Biting down on the wood saves a small bit of time after he cuts his finger off, but the time spent getting it makes it not worth it overall.
The Fugitive:
Overall, it is fastest to help Ethan escape during this chapter. You will have to take him through the subway, but this is much faster than having Jayden free him if he is apprehended.
Jayden Blues:
The piano sequence is the same length if you nail ever note or not. During the withdrawal, it is faster to take the drugs.
In Manfred's shop, if you don't answer the phone Lauren will, so it's best to do it right away. After drinking, it is unnecessary to ask about the rarity of the typewriter.
When wiping prints, there is a timer. When Laurens asks you if you're going to be much longer, that's when it is up. You can leave after that. Basically, you must wipe everything or you'll get called into the station. As long as you do it before Lauren prompts you, you won't waste time.
In the car, the dialogue was optimized for shortest response.
The Shark:
You must pull your gun, but after that you should fail as soon as possible.
The Doc:
Accept the drink, then take one sip as soon as you can. The dialogue in the living room is optimized for shortest response.
In the basement, it will speed up the story greatly if Madison is killed. You can kill her my not escaping the ropes, but this takes too much time. Instead, escape the ropes but fail the fight. I wiggled the wrong leg at first, costing me a few seconds time.
Mad Jack:
The fastest way here is to scan the blood, then find the skull. Afterwards fail the three events and Jayden will be Killed.
Killing both Madison and Jayden saves a lot of time, as their later chapters do not come up when they are dead.
Lauren gets out of the shower as soon as you finish the eggs. The fastest thing to do it turn the gas on, then quickly off. She'll complain the eggs are raw, but this is fastest.
The cemetery:
Nothing to optimize.
You've got to make it to the end to continue on, so succeeding at every challenge is the fastest thing to do. When counting during hide and seek, skip as many numbers as you can.
On the Loose:
You must look at the Origami figure before you can go outside. Going outside will alert Ethan to the cops. Once the phone rings, you can open the front door and be caught instantly.
It is fastest to forget about Lauren and just free yourself. Do do so smash the glass on the speedometer and cut yourself free with the shard, then kick out the window by Lauren.
Face to Face:
It's fastest to fail this trial right away.
Origami Killer:
Last chapter since everybody's dead. Only thing to do it burn everything, nothing to optimize.
In addition to managing choices, all the non essential dialogue was aggressively optimized to go by as quickly as possible. When presented with a choice on what to say, you can bet I picked the choice that takes the least time for the character to speak.
Showering and getting dressed is required before going downstairs. The game also makes you listen to Ethan's thoughts as you exit the bedroom. Once you are downstairs, Ethan's wife will arrive home with the kids after a set amount of time. Doing any sort of action can pause or delay the timer, so that's why I just stand around.
The animation for dropping the grocery bags takes longer than simply putting them on the table, so I succeed at the button presses. When asked about your day, responding is several seconds faster than saying nothing.
Gently putting down the plates saves time, since the scolding from his wife takes a while.
When playing with the kids, I play for as little time as possible. It is faster to win the sword fight, since losing requires you to slowly get up from the ground.
The Mall:
When buying a balloon from the clown, normally the action for taking the money out of the correct pocket only appears after you have tried all your pockets, but you can choose it right away, even though the indicator is not visible.
Father and Son:
Once home, the goal is to send Shawn to bed as soon as possible. You normally cannot send him to bed without giving him dinner unless it gets really late. If you do give him dinner, any time after he finishes you can send him to bed. Feeding him dinner as soon as possible is the key.
Shawn won't eat if he isn't hungry, and if left to his own devices will grab a snack, delaying the time when he is hungry enough for dinner. Thus, it is most beneficial to give him a snack as soon as possible, so he is ready to eat the most quickly.
Having him do homework is optional, it neither speeds anything up nor slows it down.
Sleazy Place:
There is no need to talk to the motel owner, you can just head right up to Lauren's room. The fastest way out is to fail to convince her to talk to you, otherwise you have to ask her questions. Likewise there is no need to put money on the table, as this just slows things down. It's obviously fastest to leave right after Troy arrives.
Crime Scene:
The only required actions are opening the tent, scanning near the body, and talking to Blake. You only need to meet him; you're not required to walk and talk with him.
The Shrink:
Each dialogue choice is the absolute shortest.
The Park:
The park has a timer which prompts you to leave, but you can leave earlier if you play on the equipment with Shawn.
Where's Shawn?:
The difference between failing to dodge the truck and succeeding is negligible, and was within the margin of error for my stopwatch.
Welcome Norman:
The Chief comes out after a certain amount of time after you ask the receptionist about him. Playing with Ari seems to make the timer go by faster. You do not need to walk and talk with the Chief either, it's fastest just to skip that and get right to your office.
In analyzing the evidence, I pick the bare minimum of required actions before you can close Ari.
It is ever so slightly faster to take the drugs as soon as you can. Taking them will lead to a scene later on where Jayden is having withdrawal, but this scene is quicker than making your way down to the bathroom.
Hassan's Shop:
The fastest thing to do is to knock out the robber, and the dialogue chosen was the shortest.
Sleepless Night:
Like the Prologue, this section is based on a timer. Having Madison do things can pause the timer briefly, which is why I just stand there. The fight is lost as soon as possible.
It's faster to go out back and evade the paparazzi than it is to push through them out front.
Lexington Station:
The dreamlike segment is based on a timer, but you will not snap back to the real world until the timer runs out, AND you knock someone over. The optimal thing to do would be to knock someone ever right after the timer expires. I am uncertain on how long it is exactly, so this has potential for a few seconds of optimization.
The correct locker was chosen on the first try.
The Motel:
You're not required to look at anything in the box other than the computer chip, and the origami figure. Looking at the gun just wastes time.
Kick off Meeting:
The dialogue was optimized with the shortest responses.
Nathaniel comes in after a timer and when you're in the living room. Blake will interrogate him after you ask 2 questions, so I picked the shortest ones. Once Nathaniel pulls a gun, I shoot him at the soonest possible moment. This is faster than letting him live.
Suicide Baby:
Basically, none of the actions here are optional, and it is slower to fail with the bandages on Mrs. Bowles. Each action is completed successfully.
The Bear:
Everything in the parking garage is pretty straightforward. Once presented with the challenge, Ethan will step up after you think about Shawn and what you have to do. The two choices are the fastest was to get him to drive. Once on the road, the challenge is failed as soon as possible.
First Encounter:
Straightforward until Madison must bandage Ethan up. The disinfectant is mandatory, the painkillers are not. The fastest way to get Madison to leave is to fail to apply the disinfectant. Ethan will walk more sluggishly for the rest of the game, but it does not negate the benefit of getting Madison to leave so soon.
Covered Market:
Dialogue in the car is the shortest response. Challenge is failed at the soonest possible moment.
A visitor:
Lauren comes in on a timer, and again doing actions can pause it. Once you get the letter, the only thing you need to look at is the address.
Kramer's Party:
Having Lauren distract the guards is the fastest way past. You cannot distract them until you try to pass unsuccessfully. The dialogue with both the guards and with Gordi is optimized for shortest response time. It's obviously fastest to let the thugs beat you up.
The Butterfly:
Ethan has to make it in the factory, but once inside can fail the trial. The fastest way is to simply crawl at full speed over the glass, until Ethan is in too much pain and gives up.
The Nurse:
It's once again fastest to fail at applying the disinfectant and letting Ethan suffer. After waking up the dialogue is optimized for speed. When I choose not to speak, it is because not speaking is faster.
Police News:
Non interactive.
Shrink and Punches:
When Blake finished his dialogue, it is slightly faster to speak to the therapist yourself. He will continue on if you say nothing after a set amount of time, but he will respond immediately after you prompt him. If your dialogue is shorter than the waiting period, then it is faster.
Intervening right away is the fastest end to this chapter.
The Golf Club:
There is nothing here to optimize; all the actions you must attempt and succeeding at them is fastest.
The Lizard:
Failing this trial requires waiting it out, so Ethan will have to pass this. The shears are the fastest way; they are close to the desk, and Ethan is incapacitated by pain for a shorter time than with something like the saw. Biting down on the wood saves a small bit of time after he cuts his finger off, but the time spent getting it makes it not worth it overall.
The Fugitive:
Overall, it is fastest to help Ethan escape during this chapter. You will have to take him through the subway, but this is much faster than having Jayden free him if he is apprehended.
Jayden Blues:
The piano sequence is the same length if you nail ever note or not. During the withdrawal, it is faster to take the drugs.
In Manfred's shop, if you don't answer the phone Lauren will, so it's best to do it right away. After drinking, it is unnecessary to ask about the rarity of the typewriter.
When wiping prints, there is a timer. When Laurens asks you if you're going to be much longer, that's when it is up. You can leave after that. Basically, you must wipe everything or you'll get called into the station. As long as you do it before Lauren prompts you, you won't waste time.
In the car, the dialogue was optimized for shortest response.
The Shark:
You must pull your gun, but after that you should fail as soon as possible.
The Doc:
Accept the drink, then take one sip as soon as you can. The dialogue in the living room is optimized for shortest response.
In the basement, it will speed up the story greatly if Madison is killed. You can kill her my not escaping the ropes, but this takes too much time. Instead, escape the ropes but fail the fight. I wiggled the wrong leg at first, costing me a few seconds time.
Mad Jack:
The fastest way here is to scan the blood, then find the skull. Afterwards fail the three events and Jayden will be Killed.
Killing both Madison and Jayden saves a lot of time, as their later chapters do not come up when they are dead.
Lauren gets out of the shower as soon as you finish the eggs. The fastest thing to do it turn the gas on, then quickly off. She'll complain the eggs are raw, but this is fastest.
The cemetery:
Nothing to optimize.
You've got to make it to the end to continue on, so succeeding at every challenge is the fastest thing to do. When counting during hide and seek, skip as many numbers as you can.
On the Loose:
You must look at the Origami figure before you can go outside. Going outside will alert Ethan to the cops. Once the phone rings, you can open the front door and be caught instantly.
It is fastest to forget about Lauren and just free yourself. Do do so smash the glass on the speedometer and cut yourself free with the shard, then kick out the window by Lauren.
Face to Face:
It's fastest to fail this trial right away.
Origami Killer:
Last chapter since everybody's dead. Only thing to do it burn everything, nothing to optimize.
- Addeddate
- 2010-03-21 06:06:05
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- Identifier
- HeavyRainSpeedrunCodyMiller
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